Why Missio?

I’ve spent the last 15 years equipping individuals, ministries, and missional organizations. Yet, I faced a challenge – finding a more efficient and secure way to share stories and updates. The guilt of not keeping our supporters informed enough had burdened me for years. It was a result of the frustrating, multi-step process of crafting Mailchimp campaigns and designing appealing templates, averaging 3 hours to compose a single email update.

In the midst of this struggle, I thought – there had to be a better way. I contemplated the use of social media but quickly realized its limitations for sensitive updates. What if there was a platform that could effortlessly transform Instagram-like posts into beautifully crafted emails, all from my mobile device? Or what if people could simply follow us from the app like they followed others on instagram? This would simplify the process of creating and sending updates while on the move.

After visiting over 40 countries, I gained understanding of the diverse communication needs of individuals and organizations worldwide, and it was clear that a new platform was needed. In 2021, God began bringing together a global team, including several tech experts from Silicon Valley, to build the most simple, powerful, and secure communications platform for those living on mission - Missio.

-One of Missio’s Founders

What problems does Missio solve?

The time it takes to create and send updates to followers and supporters of individuals and ministries. We built a platform that makes it as simple as possible to capture a story or event and automatically put that post into an email or allow others to follow you through a mobile app like they would with instagram.

The time and money it takes to build a landing page. Instead of learning a drag and drop web builder or hiring a web developer, we make it simple and lightning fast to create a beautiful and useful landing page that people will love.

The lack of ultra secure and private options to share stories and updates for those in high security contexts. Our heart was to build a platform that serves those in high security need contexts. Everything we build has security and privacy as the top most priority. This is what we are known for.

The shallow connection between those on mission and their supporters. Missio exists to create encouraging and meaningful connection between people on mission and their supporters by making it easier and safer to stay connected.

The conflict of wanting to use social media to share and follow but not with all of the distractions and temptations. Instead of scrolling for hours because the app you follow others on is designed to sell ads, why not use a mobile app that wont keep you scrolling, wasting time, and looking at things you probably shouldn't?

Some of the top 1% of tech talent have come together to create Missio.

Being based in San Francisco, we have been amazed at the talent that God has brought together to build Missio. Over 35 passionate contributors from all over the world, including those that have or currently working for some of tech’s most innovative companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to several questions below. Or send us an email if you cannot find an answer.

Missio is based out of San Francisco, CA but operates with a local and global remote team.

Missio will be free and will always have a free account. Eventually, we will offer a paid tier in order to sustain and continually improve Missio. Our cost will be low and if affordability is ever an issue, Missio has a program through donations that will offer discounted subscriptions.

Missio exists to serve people that are passionately living on mission to the ends of the earth. These individuals and organizations need a platform to stay connected with their friends and partners by sharing secure updates and stories. We serve people that are sent out and doing the work to which they are called in various contexts.

Missio is a privacy first platform and offers a surprisingly robust and over built set of privacy and security features that are designed to protect the identity and data of our users. Our users want to share stories and updates but have complete confidence in who is viewing these updates and that their data is not being used for any reason outside the platform.

After studying Signal’s encryption protocol and best practices, we designed an encryption protocol that provides many of the same privacy and security focused abilities. We are committed to providing a platform that helps users keep their data secure and remain completely anonymous if needed. Please note that Missio Encryption Protocol will not be apart of our initial beta launch and users will be notified when it is ready. We are also in process of making our system open-sourced. Thorough documentation will be provided in the near future. Read more about our commitment to security and privacy here.

“Invisible Mode” is our setting that turns on a range of privacy features for those that demand an ultra private account. We have made it to be as frictionless as possible but requires extra layers that make a users identity invisible. Standard mode is default and makes it slightly easier for user experience, with email updates able to be read in a subscribers inbox as normal. More on “Invisible Mode” here.

Missio is funded privately and by donors that see the need for a unique communications platform. Many who have contributed to Missio are volunteer developers. We also have several volunteer business roles being served by those that are passionate about a secure platform for people on mission.

In the app’s menu, find “request a feature” or “report a bug”. We love listening to what our users want and release a feature every two weeks based on these feature requests.

We will be hiring in the near future but as of now, only have volunteer roles. If interested, we would love to get to know you and see if Team Missio is the right fit for using your God given experience and skills.

A small group of men and women, living on mission, that are based out of the US and Europe. Missio’s founders wish not to be identified in order to not bring attention to themselves so they can stay focused on their individual callings. It’s also to practice wisdom as some of our founders regularly go into high security contexts. This helps protect our founders and users at the same time.

Pray, give, or join our team! Pray for Missio’s success to be an app that truly supports people that are reaching others around the world. You can donate to help with development costs, or you can join Team Missio! We have an amazing team that’s committed to seeing Missio be the best it can be for many years to come. This is just the beginning!

Starting early 2024 we will be releasing a new feature every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month! Features are published on our blog and posted in the app by following Missio's account.

Yes! Give to a platform that will help people testify to amazing works around the world. Donate here.

Your organization is welcome to make an account that can be easily managed by one admin. We are working on an a special organization account that will allow multiple users to post to one account and other helpful organization specific features.

Not yet! But this is in the pipeline and coming soon! It’s one of the features we are most excited about.